4 steps to set up a data-driven decision making system

S Shekhar
4 min readJan 15, 2021

Stop tracking metric lists. Start using metric trees.

These are the 4 steps of the decision making framework for your project:

  1. Identify key metrics
  2. Identify factors for respective key metrics
  3. Identify levers for those factors
  4. Identify leading indicators

Steps 1 & 2 help you to identify the problem (or opportunity area).

Step 3 helps you in identifying the solution(s) once problem has been identified.

Step 4 helps you track the progress once solution has been implemented.

Let’s go through the steps one by one.

1. Identifying Key metrics

  • Do not begin the setup by making an exhaustive list of all possible metrics to track: Lists are not frameworks.
  • Starting point should be to identify your key metrics.
  • Generally the key metrics are foundational to the business: Profit, Growth rate.
  • Key metrics generally come in pairs (vanity & sanity; main & check).
  • My current model is to look for volume metric & health metric.
  • For example, a marketplace startup wants to grow its revenue. My key metrics for them would be: number (#) of users (as volume metric) & revenue ($) per user (as health metric).
  • Similarly, if it’s a free platform (news app, social media app, etc.), key metrics would be: # of users, & transactions per user. (Transaction as defined by the platform as the key action they want to maximise: opens, reads, messages, plays, etc.)

2. Identifying factors for the key metrics

  • For each key metric, write down its formula in terms of mutually independent factors. Then write the formula for the factor. Follow this recursive process for 3–4 levels.
  • For # of users, the formula might be:

# of new users + # of returning users

  • Formula for both these factors might be:

# of new users = new users from channel 1 + new users from channel 2 + …

# of returning users = new users last week * week-1 retention + …

  • For $ per user, the formula might be:

Transactions per user * Average transaction value

  • Formula for both these factors might be:

Transactions per user = Visits per user * Conversion %

Average transaction value = Average basket size * Average selling price

  • At the end of this step you will not have a list, but a hierarchy of metrics: key metrics at level-1, their factors at level-2, their factors at level-3, and so on.

# of users: level 1

# of new users: level 2

# of new users from channel 1 (e.g. Search ads): level 3

# of new users from the main Search campaign: level 4


# of returning users: level 1

Retention % of previous cohort: level 2, and so on

  • You can visualize this metric hierarchy as org-level abstraction: CEO would regularly check number of users but maybe no further; Marketing head might extend to regularly checking channel metrics; Marketing manager might be going one level deeper into campaign reports; marketing executive might even know ad level numbers.

3. Identify levers for the factors

  • The hierarchy you have at the end of step-2 is good for identifying problems or opportunity areas:
  • If level-1 metric is increasing or decreasing, you can look at the factors.
  • You identify the factors going up or down, and then look at their respective factors.
  • At some point in this recursive process, you zero in on the reason driving the change.
  • However, the point of building this hierarchy, and tracking the metrics in it, is to have the ability to make decisions that can influence these numbers.
  • For this, you need to put levers against the lowest-level leaves/nodes in the metric hierarchy tree.
  • For example, Conversion % is your level-3 metric that has been zeroed in as the root cause of a dip. You take funnel approach and break it further into level-4 metrics:

App open to category page % * Category page to product page % * Product page to cart page % * Cart page to purchase %

  • Once, you have put the numbers against all level-4 metrics, you are still left with the question: how do I positively influence them to improve Conversion %?
  • For this, you have to use domain knowledge and business-specific context to identify the levers driving the metric. This will be a function and not a formula; but you still have to identify the core levers than a long list of all possible reasons.
  • For example, you might identify page load speed, product description length, number of product ratings, etc. as the driving levers, for product-to-cart % metric.

4. Identify leading indicators for the key metrics & levers

  • We want to drive the level-1 key metric but the change starts at the lowest level in the hierarchy of metrics.
  • Increasing revenue can be an organisational goal but it’s a broad goal for a project.
  • An ideal project would be for a lever for level-3 or level-4 metric e.g. increase avg. number of available product sizes on product pages; or increase relevance of search results.
  • If your hypothesis for metric-to-lever mapping is correct, the improvement in the lever would show up in the metric e.g. add to cart %, click on search result % respectively.
  • If not, you have to build new hypotheses for which levers would drive the metrics, and then repeat the process.
  • Key metrics are lagging indicators.
  • That is to say, for example, # of your users on your platform today are reflective of efforts in the past, and are hard to influence in real-time.
  • So, in order to gauge if the impact of projects you have taken on to influence the levers will percolate up the metric tree in the future or not (i.e. level-4 metric will improve, which will lead to level-3 improving, and so on to the top), you have to identify the early/leading indicators of the key metrics.



S Shekhar

On building and growing internet products. And on books.